As the social distancing mandate is upon us in California, we can have a virtual meeting. This can be done via Skype or We can have a meeting to review your portfolio. What should you do with your portfolio? Should you sell any stocks, or should you let your portfolio ride the ups and downs of the market? Should you buy now or wait until a later time? Do you have any questions that I can answer for you?
The current stock market (DJIA, S&P 500, and NASDAQ) has come down on average by about 27% since its peak earlier this year. There are three possibilities. The stock market can go up, stay where it is, or it can go down further. The stock market is overpriced. It is in a bobble. Even though the Coronavirus has been a pin that popped the bobble, the bobble has not fully deflated yet. I think the stock market will go down further in the months to come.
The U.S. stock market is disconnected with the reality of the current economic conditions. It has been manipulated by the stock buybacks of corporations in America. We know most countries’ economies has halted because people are home. The stock market has only one way to go. It will eventually go down.
So, what should you do with your cash? Should you buy more gold funds? What should change in your portfolio to weather the storm? We can discuss all these and more via a virtual meeting.
We are set up to meet your investment needs in the stock market. Hence, we can discuss:
- The state of your taxable investment portfolio.
- Long-term investment through periodical savings.
- Dollar cost averaging.
- Investment for retirement.
- The state of your retirement account.
We understand an investor’s mind and mentality. We can discuss:
- Investor’s biases.
- Herding mentality.
- Your security investment goals and objectives.
- Becoming ASC’s Client.
- Investment advisory services – How we do it.
- Any other topic.
We understand macroeconomics, Federal Reserve Bank’s monetary policy, and the U.S. government fiscal policies. Hence, we can discuss:
- The current economic conditions.
- The effects of politics on the stock market.
- The role of the U.S. Federal Reserve on the stock market.
- The U.S. Treasury Bonds.
- California state, county, and city bonds.
- The state of United States’ stock market.
- The possibility of an upcoming stock market crash again.